Beneath the Aspen
Old Fall River Road, Rocky Mountain National Park
f/5 | 1/320s | 150mm | ISO 3200
After a fresh snowfall, the elk dig through the brush to find twigs or anything they can eat. I had the opportunity to observe this fella for a good while as he enjoyed his dinner. As he was munching, I was able to move around and get this awesome Aspen tree in the foreground.
Old Fall River Road, Rocky Mountain National Park
f/5 | 1/320s | 150mm | ISO 3200
After a fresh snowfall, the elk dig through the brush to find twigs or anything they can eat. I had the opportunity to observe this fella for a good while as he enjoyed his dinner. As he was munching, I was able to move around and get this awesome Aspen tree in the foreground.
Old Fall River Road, Rocky Mountain National Park
f/5 | 1/320s | 150mm | ISO 3200
After a fresh snowfall, the elk dig through the brush to find twigs or anything they can eat. I had the opportunity to observe this fella for a good while as he enjoyed his dinner. As he was munching, I was able to move around and get this awesome Aspen tree in the foreground.
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