Fading Fall
Storm Pass, Rocky Mountain National Park
f/9 | 1/329s | 50mm | ISO 250
With all the recent snow, it is a beautiful escape to look back at some of the fall photos I took this year. This one was one of my favorites that showcased the fleeting sun rays as they illuminated the smoke filled skies.
Storm Pass, Rocky Mountain National Park
f/9 | 1/329s | 50mm | ISO 250
With all the recent snow, it is a beautiful escape to look back at some of the fall photos I took this year. This one was one of my favorites that showcased the fleeting sun rays as they illuminated the smoke filled skies.
Storm Pass, Rocky Mountain National Park
f/9 | 1/329s | 50mm | ISO 250
With all the recent snow, it is a beautiful escape to look back at some of the fall photos I took this year. This one was one of my favorites that showcased the fleeting sun rays as they illuminated the smoke filled skies.
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