Behind the Fall
Seljalandsfoss, Rocky Mountain National Park
f/18 | 1/6s | 16mm | ISO 100
Not originally on our itinerary, Seljalandsfoss was one of my favorite stops on our trip. Being the largest waterfall in Iceland that you can walk behind, I was eager to explore the area. Nearly forgetting my raincoat and instantly regretting my food choice, I took the muddy approach around the fall. Each step forward was a nice dousing of ice water to the face as my raincoat became increasingly bonded to my skin. I set my tripod up as fast as I could while ptotecting my camera from fleeting water droplets. I managed to get this shot off before my lens became flooded with water and henceforth unusable.
Seljalandsfoss, Rocky Mountain National Park
f/18 | 1/6s | 16mm | ISO 100
Not originally on our itinerary, Seljalandsfoss was one of my favorite stops on our trip. Being the largest waterfall in Iceland that you can walk behind, I was eager to explore the area. Nearly forgetting my raincoat and instantly regretting my food choice, I took the muddy approach around the fall. Each step forward was a nice dousing of ice water to the face as my raincoat became increasingly bonded to my skin. I set my tripod up as fast as I could while ptotecting my camera from fleeting water droplets. I managed to get this shot off before my lens became flooded with water and henceforth unusable.
Seljalandsfoss, Rocky Mountain National Park
f/18 | 1/6s | 16mm | ISO 100
Not originally on our itinerary, Seljalandsfoss was one of my favorite stops on our trip. Being the largest waterfall in Iceland that you can walk behind, I was eager to explore the area. Nearly forgetting my raincoat and instantly regretting my food choice, I took the muddy approach around the fall. Each step forward was a nice dousing of ice water to the face as my raincoat became increasingly bonded to my skin. I set my tripod up as fast as I could while ptotecting my camera from fleeting water droplets. I managed to get this shot off before my lens became flooded with water and henceforth unusable.
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