Lóndrangar Basalt Cliffs
Snæfellsjökull National Park, Iceland
f/8 | 1/160s | 35mm | ISO 1000
Towards the end of our trip, we made out way through Snæfellsjökull National Park. Along the coastline, there were some unique and beautiful rock formations that I just had to stop and photograph. Not eager to dig my coat from the luggage in the back, I rushed to the cliffside to grab the shot and quickly rushed back to the warmth of the car.
Snæfellsjökull National Park, Iceland
f/8 | 1/160s | 35mm | ISO 1000
Towards the end of our trip, we made out way through Snæfellsjökull National Park. Along the coastline, there were some unique and beautiful rock formations that I just had to stop and photograph. Not eager to dig my coat from the luggage in the back, I rushed to the cliffside to grab the shot and quickly rushed back to the warmth of the car.
Snæfellsjökull National Park, Iceland
f/8 | 1/160s | 35mm | ISO 1000
Towards the end of our trip, we made out way through Snæfellsjökull National Park. Along the coastline, there were some unique and beautiful rock formations that I just had to stop and photograph. Not eager to dig my coat from the luggage in the back, I rushed to the cliffside to grab the shot and quickly rushed back to the warmth of the car.
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